- Michelle Tan and Kaiping -relinked.
Ok so I guess nobody wants the class tee so it's canceled and we the stall would have closed down or moved some place else already.Even if we approve on a design and a t-shirt colour by the time school re-opens it's too late.
Many of you have been asking bout the Home Econs homework and I'll text Mrs Freeman and bring post the updates here.From what I know you guys are suppose to do research on a dish that represents Singapore,something like that.I'll clarify clearly with Mrs Freeman about it and I'll update you guys.So for the time-being you guys have to wait.
Ok now the mystery C person.Thanks for the lame part cos yeah we're teenagers so what do your expect? Next time kindly put your name down so we can identify who you are and save those scarstic comments to yourself alright? (:
Alrighty,I'm flying off today and I want you guys to takecare and be safe alright? I'll be back in 4 days time and I'll be missing you guys! Till then,sayonara! (L)
Love Anatasha.
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