Monday, June 01, 2009

Hey guys!
I'm doing a very quick update bout the class t-shirt.

Compass outlet.
Customization + any colour t-shirt = only $19.90.
For addictional prints,it will depend on the size.

Those who are still interested in buying pls still hold your orders as we are trying to get the rest to purchase the t-shirt.We are open to any of your who would like to contribute your designs to us,please draw in on a plain sheet of paper and pass it to us when school re-opens.

Really,guys i don't see any of your putting effort into this class t-shirt.Thank you for those who contributed thier ideas but those people who never even considered buying omg. It's supposed to be a class effort and if this is what you call bonding,i have nothing much to say.

Shihui has requested for the design so here it is:

It's the front of the t-shirt.The back of the t-shirt has not been put up yet cause you guys haven't decided whether we should put the year or index number.Just a reminder,the stall will be closed at the end of June,so we either go with Index No or the year,pls decide and tag your decision so that i can tabulate and get the majority votes.

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